An Overview of Geographical Indications Protection Promoting Sustainable Development in lndonesia
By Idyah Fitriandari, 2008
By Idyah Fitriandari, 2008
I. Introduction
As the globalization, the world is seemingly become the market place of every country. Abundant products from all over the world was provided, that result in competitiveness among the producer countries. How the competitiveness can be driven to competitive advantage is depend on how the authenticity of the products is being protected and the quality of the product being maintained. A product’s quality, reputation or other characteristics can be determined by where it comes from. Geographical indications are place names used to identify products that come from these places and have these characteristics. For the reason of avoiding misappropriations, misleading, and misused, products protection is needed to avoid consumer from deceptions and encourage the economic development of origin country WTO members and their national are increasingly recognizing that geographical indications are valuable as marketing tools in global economy for encourage competitive advantage.
Since the enactment of TRIPS agreement, international protection of geographical indications has become important issue in promoting global marketing economy. Indonesia as developing country who becomes WTO member has shown its considerable enthusiasm about the possible benefits that could be derived from an enforcement protection of geographical indications. During at least two decades, some regulations in Intellectual Property Rights have been substantially revised, and geographical indication has firstly surfaced in the Law number 15 years 2001 as some articles in Patent Law. How the chronological law protection of geographical indications in Indonesia is promoted for supporting sustainable development and what are issues in the law enforcement will be discussed in this paper.
II. Current legal instrument
2.1. Current International legal instrument
The issue of protection origin product has long been recognized in 18th century when wine starting being produced and become favorable by many people in Portugal. Then people named it with PORT wine (Soerio, Ana, 2006). As the increasing number of customer, some wine producer starting named their wine, the wine company cooperation was starting to established, and the boundary of area start to defined, for example in which mountain level. Furthermore, in order to encourage product quality, the regulation of registering product is established the result in PORT wine is the first Geographical Indication in the world. In order to strengthen the law and expand the market, some bilateral and multilateral arrangement is conducted. Before TRIPS Agreements containing rules about geographical indication or appellation of origin, there are three international conventions established: the Paris Convention (1883), the Madrid Agreement (1891), and the Lisbon Agreement (1958).
The term of “geographical indication” as defined in TRIPS Agreement which appeared only recently in international negotiations is very similar to the concept of “appellation of origin” as defined in Article 2 of the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration (hereinafter the “Lisbon Agreement”) of 1958. It also probably covers the “designation of origin” and the “protected geographical indication” as provided for in the EC Council Regulation No. 2081/92 on the Protection of Geographical Indications and Designations of Origin for Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs.
2.2. Current Indonesia Legal Instrument
Indonesia becomes the member of WTO and TRIPS Agreement by 1994 as mentioned in Law number 7 year 1994. One of the implementation of TRIPS agreement is that Indonesia concern with geographical indication protection through provides GI protection regulation in the Law number 15 year 2001 chapter VII “Protection of GI and Source of Origin” integrated within Patent Law thus we can see that Geographical Indication is the new issue in Indonesia.
Article 1 Law no. 15 year 2001 mention that GI is the sign or identity of goods from some certain place or area showed the quality, reputation, and characteristics including nature and human factor as an attribute of the goods. Those sign could be name of place, region, or area, words, picture, letter, or a combination among them. The place mentioned could be name of geographical origin or name that used continually so that known as the origin place of the goods. Protection of GI is including nature goods, agricultural product, handy craft, or other certain industry. Party whose has the right to submit the product for GI protection is institute/foundation that has the authority representing regional community such as government institutions, or other formal institution like cooperation, association, etc, as mentioned in article 2.
The globalization flow and International pressure underground government to revise the law that comes into force in September 2007, Government Regulation no. 51 year 2007 Protection of GI, mention the purpose of GI protection are as a protection towards product, quality, value added of the product, and to encourage rural development as the origin of the product. Government Regulation No 51 year 2007 ruled the technical administration submitting GI products and the sanction of misused the GI product.
Furthermore, all of the legal instruments in Indonesia in IPR protection based on TRIPS Agreement, including:
1. Extending the time of patent protection ( Indonesian Patent Law)
2. Expanding technology scope of patent product ( Indonesian Patent Law)
3. Redefine patent’s scope ( Indonesian Patent Law)
4. Increasing branded/ famous trade marks protection ( Indonesian Trade Mark Law)
5. Regulate about computer program rent and audio visual ( Indonesian Copy Right Law)
Besides conducting TRIPS Ratification, Indonesia ratified International treaties relating to IPRs,
1. Paris Convention ratified with Government Decree No 15 year 1997
2. Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) ratified with Government Decree No 16 year 1997. ;
3. Trademark Law Treaty (TLT) ratified with Government Decree No 17 year 1997 ;
4. Bern Convention ratified with Government Decree No 18 year 1997 ;
5. WIPO Copyrights Treaty (WCT) ratified with Government Decree No 19 year 1997
III. What is Geographical Indication
In general, Geographical indications are place names or in some countries also meant as words associated with a place used to identify products that come from these places and have these characteristics such as “Champagne”, “Tequila” or “Roquefort”. Protection required under the TRIPS Agreement is defined in two articles. Geographical Indication of goods also defined as the aspect/sign of industrial property that refer to the geographical indication referring to a place or region as being the origin of the product. Geographical Indication term surfaced into international property law trough its inclusion in the TRIPS Agreement. The term of indication source firstly used in Paris Convention (Articles 1[2] and 10) and Madrid Agreement though there is no specific definition available until Lisbon Agreement in 1958. The difference term definition of GI can be seen in the table below:
However, “geographical indication” as defined in these three instruments, does not cover the wider concept of “indication of source” as contained in the Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods (as in “the Madrid Agreement”) of 1981, nor does it cover the words “geographical indication” such as provided in Article 1712 of the NAFTA Agreement, which seems to be equivalent to the concept of “indication of source” (Gevers, 1995, p. 147-148)
According to WTO trough TRIPS Agreement GI are indications which identify a good as originating in the territory member, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin. In line with TRIPS Agreement, WIPO as the world organization of intellectual property used GI to describe the protection of place names, symbols which indicate a certain geographic origin of a given product. In this regards, GI is include all existing meaning protection of names and symbols whether its indicate quality of the product which are influenced by its geographical origin such as appellation of origin or just to indicate the place of origin such as indication of origin. The definition also include symbol since geographical indications are not only constituted by names such as town, region, etc, but also consists symbol without naming the place such as Tower Bridge of London, etc. The complete definition of Geographical Indication by Organization/agreement can be seen in the table below.
No Aggreement Definition Of Geographical Origin
(1) (2) (3)
1 Paris Convention The Protection of Industrial Property has its object Patents, Utility Models,
Industrial Designs, Trademarks, Servicesmarks, Tradenames, Indication of
Source of Appelation of Origin, and the repression of Unfair Competition.
2 Madrid Aggreement Indications of Source is all bearing a false or deceptive indications by which one of the countries to which this aggreement applies, or a place situated therein, is directly or indirectly indicate as being country or place of origin shall be seised on importation into any of the said countries
3 Lisbon Aggreement Appelation of origin is the geographical name of country, region or locality, which serves to designate
a product originating therein the characteristic qualities of which are due
exclusively or essentially to geographical environment, including natural and
human factor.
4 TRIPS GI is indications which identify a good or originating on the territory of a member, or a region or locality in that teritory, where a given quality, reputation, or other characteristic of the good its essentially attributable to its geographical origin
5 WTO place names (in some countries also words associated with a place) used to identify the origin and quality, reputation or other characteristics of products (for example, “Champagne”, “Tequila” or “Roquefort”)
6 WIPO intellectual property used GI to describe the protection of place names, symbols which indicate a certain geographic origin of a given product
In summary, GI can be defined as Intellectual Property Rights which identify a good as originating in a certain territory as a sign that indicates a region or place or locally in the territory reflected in names, symbols, letter, or pictures in which a given quality, reputation, or other characteristic is essentially attribute as a result of natural factor, human factor, or a combination of both.
IV. Protection Geographical Indication in Indonesia : An Analysis
Latest Issue in Indonesia
Geographical indication is a new issue in Indonesia. Indonesia has firstly realized the TRIPS agreement in GI through Law Number 15 year 2001 where GI inclusion in Patent Law. When every people in the world recognized Ceylon Tea, Champagne,Tequila Mexico,Conac,Basmati Rice,Oolong Tea of China as GI that can not be easily traded in the world place without permission or some agreement the origin parties, in contrast small number of people in world know that Gayo Coffee, Kintamani Coffee, Batik Indonesia, Rambutan Aceh, Cilembu sweet potato, Cianjur rice, Malang Aple, etc are GI of some localities area in Indonesia that not being protected by Law. As a result, Dutch Coffee Companies in Gayo- Aceh try to confess Gayo Coffee as Dutch product, so does Rambutan in Swiss, Tempe that patented by Japan, Batik (Indonesia textile term) in Malaysia, India, Thailand, etc. There is still lack of GI understanding in Indonesia and weak law that regulated GI in Indonesia. Therefore, there should there be a clear understanding of GI definition, what are the goods protected by GI, what are the party that can submit the own right, what is the sanction and is there any bilateral or multilateral GI Protection, and what are the beneficiaries gained from GIs protection.
According to Law no 15 year 2001, GI is the sign or identity of goods from some certain place or area showed the quality, reputation, and characteristics including nature and human factor as an attribute of the goods. Protection of GI is including nature goods, agricultural product, handy craft, or other certain industry. The definition in this law is somewhat bias term. Handy craft, and certain industry is still debatable in the world convention since generally GI focus on natural resources and agricultural product. So that the issue of Tempe confessed by Japan as their invention is can not be claimed because Japan confessed the technology innovation for Tempe production not the product it self, thus is could be categorized as patent not geographical indication. But Gayo Coffee is clearly coffee from Gayo in Bener Meriah Regency- Aceh Province that has long been recognized its quality by the world but not being protected yet by the Law. As the result some parties easily trade that product without give beneficial for the origin place of the product, ant this is may result in consumer misperception.
However, with the clear definition of GI presented by Government Regulation Number 51 year 2007 about GI protection, in October 2008, Kintamani Cofee in Bali is the first GI product legalized by law in Indonesia, and by December 29,2008 there are five applicants that now still being process administratively and substantially of GIs which are; Kali Gesing Goat – goat that have good quality in milk production, and four GIs products submitted by AMPERA Organizations in Jepara – Central Java province; Jepara engraving, Blenyek Ngemplak (food), Tenggiri fish crackers, and baked nut. Unfortunately, according to GIs Formality Checking Chief Division of IPR Department, those four applicants have a difficulty in fulfill the requirement book, as mention in Government Regulation Number 51 year 2007 as one of the requirements of GIs Protection that contained territory geographical map of the product, and product’s description.
Related with Indonesia GIs product claimed by other country such as Gayo Coffee – Dutch and Toraja Coffee – Japan, those products can be claimed and being cancel if those products already have GIs certification in Indonesia that submitted by community group of the territory since those product was just registered as individual trade mark.
In TRIPS Council convention 28-29 October in WTO Office-Jeneva, the representative of Indonesia arises that the misused and biopiracy are the real issue in developing country that will disadvantage whether genetic resources or development sides of developing country is still unsolved. Indonesia tries to reach agreement in discussion process whether still in the TRIPS regular or become TRIPS special occasion. In this convention GI supported by 2/3 WTO members and this is reflect that GI is the important issue in International level. Moreover, the acknowledgment of Indonesia’s GI product come from Frederico Guicciardini Corsi Salviati - Officer in Charge Information and Promotion Division Sector of Trademark, Industrial Design, and Geographical Indications World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)- “ Indonesia is very potential for GIs products, there are numerous GIs products in Indonesia that become a source of GIs development and traditional knowledge may become the value added of the product” ( Unfortunately this acknowledgment did not seriously realized in reality proven by up to now only one GIs product has a GIs certificate.
Basically, there are some problems could be drawn from Indonesia latest issue is that
1. Many local products are not yet given the optimal benefits for the farmers
2. Local government/ society are not yet understand the important of GI protection that result in lack of GI Inventory data.
3. The production of the goods mostly conducted traditionally. Thus the quality of the product is can not be well achieved.
4. The price of the product still low
5. Lack of GI significant promotion or socialization
The protection of GIs
GIs in Indonesia contained community protection that included in exclusive rights law of GIs toward a good to the community instead of certain individual person or company. Nationally, GIs protection regulated in Law number 15 year 2001, and has a long completion and changing that finally revised on 4 September 2007 in Government Regulation No 15 year 2007 about GIs Protection.
Law framework of Indonesian GIs is included in Law No.15 year 2001, Government Regulation No. 51 year 2007, and Other GI Authority Institution for GI Submission (Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights). The GI protection is conduct in the meant of protection of the product, quality, value added of the product and regional development as well.
In the arrangement context, law of GI in Indonesia is a geographically indication that meet with article 56 [1] Law number 15 year 2001 can not be automatically protected by law without preceding submission. This is reflect that GI in Indonesia pursue “first to file principle” system. In addition, this is in line with what is mention in article 56[2] Law Number 15 year 2001 that mention GI will be protected after the application being submitted by “
1. Representative local community institution
a) parties who undertake business on goods of natural products, or natural resources;
b) producers of agricultural products;
c) Person who make handicraft or industrial products;
d) Traders who sell the goods concerned;
2. Authority Institution
3. Consumer’s Product group
The detailed arrangement is inclusion in Government Regulation Number 51 year 2007 for example about submission procedures and both administrative and substantial verification.
According to Government Regulation number 51 year 2007, there are three major components get the GIs protection, as can be seen the diagram below
Based on current legal instrument, there are some significant requirements that should be fulfilled in developing GI which are:
1. The first component is the product
The product for GI protection must have a good quality and famous by its unique that differentiates with other product. This component is somewhat need a large efforts since most of the product is processed by very traditionally
2. Second component us Producer association
Producer association should clearly defined the territory of the product and make a specification report that required in requirement book
3. Legal Acknowledgment
The legal acknowledgement can be gained from the GI Law and supported by technical board/dinas, research institution, NGO, etc.
The control of GIs
The control of GIs protection in Indonesia basically conducted by :
• Conducting by GI commission which organized and monitor the GI use in Indonesia.
• GI Commission can arrange.
• Technical Team consists of experts Technical Team from can be National controlling authorities/Daerah and representative and represent of Private institution or competent Semi public
GI and Sustainable Development in Indonesia
GI basically contained of three important information which are, name of the product, the origin of the product, and the value of the product (the quality, reputation, and other certain characteristics. A basic feature of a geographical indication is that each and every producer which is located in the area to which the geographical indication refers has the right to use the said indication for the products originating in the said area, generally subject to compliance with certain quality and other requirements.
A geographical indication that successful in the market becomes an asset of the producers authorized to use it, since it generates accumulated goodwill. Without such protection, it would be difficult for such producers to appropriate the benefits from maintaining the quality or other attributes of their products and would, hence, have little or no incentive to invest for that purpose. The connection between product and region allows for niche marketing, brand development and extracting value from reputable indications (Rangnekar, 2002, p. 6).
According to WIPO, Geographical indications are increasingly recognized as a tool for securing consumers’ loyalty by establishing the link between product attributes and the geographical origin. In economic terms, a geographical indication essentially permits to increase producers’ rents based on product differentiation, that is, a form of monopolistic competition prevalent in the modern economy where there are elements of both monopoly and perfect competition.
GI product can not be developed without a good quality of the product, thus GI functioned to give a beneficiary like quality improvement, value added of the product and regional development. Consumers demand various recently, thus GI product that in line with the consumer demand changing will be survived. For example, nowadays, consumer concern about the traceable product by geographic.
GI beneficiary for product’s producer GI is a collective work in which producers have a relation with other since producer within GI product territory that lately increasingly the dynamic of rural area. Other advantage for producer is that GI increase the production since GI describe the special characteristic of the product that result in minimized the price fluctuation of the product.
Geographical indications law restricts the use of the GI for the purpose of identifying a particular type of product, unless the product or its constitute materials originate from a particular area and/or meet certain standards. Sometimes these laws also stipulate that the product must meet certain quality tests that are administered by an association that owns the exclusive right to the use of the indication. Although a GI is not strictly a type of trademark as it does not serve to exclusively identify a specific commercial enterprise, there are usually prohibitions against registration of a trademark which constitutes a geographical indication. In countries that do not specifically recognize GIs, regional trade associations may implement them in terms of certification marks.
Moreover, GI give advantages for local economy. The existence of GI will gradually increase the reputation of the territory. For instance, Arabika Kintamani Coffee; this GI product will increase the reputation of Kintamani area in Bali province that will attract some foreign investments. Arabika Kintamani Coffee increasing the consumer willingness to find another local product from Kintamani. GI products also can preserve the nature, traditional knowledge, and also the development of other sectors such as agro- tourism, such as Malang Apple, the famous of Malang Apple trigger the development of Apple garden for agro-tourism that will increase the regency/territory revenue that also beneficial for the local community.
However, GI protection does not automatically will increase the price of the product even it is guarantee that through GI protection will give beneficiary for the producer and the regional development, since GI product also contains the quality, reputation, and value added of the product that should compete in the fair way with other products, thus the price will not automatically high.
Finally, the protection of GI in Indonesia strengthens recently. The socialization and promotion is begin to conduct.
V. Concluding Remark
1. Regarding to the importance of GI in enhancing economic development of producer GI product especially in globalization era, thus TRIPS Agreement must give the protection of GI and define it clearly.
2. GI beneficial for maintain and increase the product quality that lately create a competitive advantages among the farmers/producers whether in national or international market
3. Indonesia is committed with TRIPS Agreement; through establish GI protection that legal by law of Law no 15 year 2001 and Government Regulation No 51 year 2007. However it is still need to be increasingly regulate especially about law enforcement.
4. It is evidence in Indonesia case that the first GI product which is Arabika Kintamani Coffee is increase the reputation of Kintamani-Bali as the origin territory of the product
5. Intensive promotion and socialization the importance of GI protection in Indonesia needed to encourage submission of GI product that will increase the producer economy, local economy for sustainable development
6. GI products trigger the development of other sectors.
• Law number 15 year 2001 about Indonesia Patent Law
• Government Regulation Number 51 year 2007 about Geographical Indication
• Dwijen Rangnekar, 2002, Geographical Indications: A Review of Proposals at the TRIPS Council, UNCTAD/ICTSD Capacity Building Project ( A draft).
• Carlos M. Correa, 2002, Protection of Geographical Indications in Caricom Countries.
• Audier, Jacques 1997, “Protection of Geographical Indications in France and Protection of French Geographical Indications in Other Countries”; in Symposium on the International Protection of Geographical Indications in the Worldwide Context; WIPO; Hungary; p 241-242 in Correa, Carlos M,2002.
• Riswandi, Budi Agus, 2006, “Permasalahan Pengaturan Indikasi Geografis di Indonesia”, presented in National Seminar of International Law in Yogyakarta-Indonesia.
• Soerio,Ana, 2006, “ Geographical Indications : Promoting, Know, and How in Portuguese Experience”; EC ASEAN Intellectual Property Rights Co-operation Program (ECAP II)
• ( latest accessed December 10 ,2008/ 11:20 PM)
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• ( latest accessed December 14 ,2008/ 09:50 PM)
• ( latest accessed December 30 ,2008/ 01:17 AM)
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